Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Bought some plants

Got another variegated hibiscus for the other side of the gate at the front.

And another alternanthera for the edges of the garden beds.

Both from the Salvos. Love the pinky hints in the foliage as well as the green and white, with red flowers.

Retaining wall

garden edging

More piccies from https://www.bunnings.com.au/our-range/brands/r/ridgi

Rain lillies coming up + update

No idea what these are, but maybe these, from last year (see below?

From 6 Nov 2018 - a type of naked lady?

26 Nov 2019 - and here they are!!

These are zehyranthes - 'rain lily'. I wish! I had watered them the night before and here, as well, hence flowering.

28 Nov 2019 -  

and the location - 

2 Jan 2019 - And now they are seeding!! I am going to try to save the seeds when they are ready and put some at the back garden.

Desert rose progress, Nov 2019- Oct 2020

This wee plant has gone off for a while lately, just sticks. Perhaps it was getting too much water. I notice it starting to come back now. I will have to repot it.

18 Dec 2019 -  I moved it and it appears to be doing better.

29 Oct 2020 - pleasingly, it has come back to life, and with recent heavy rain, is looking very healthy indeed.

Figgy + updates

Bought a brown turkey fig from Bunnings last weekend (22.98), and decided to plant it where the lemon tree was. I moved the lemon tree to the side fence.

The figgy can be espaliered along the fence lines at the back, as a feature.

28 Nov 2019 - Little fig -

As Winter approached this plant just seemed to die off. I have been very worried about it, but have learned that it does not like being watered much.
I relocated it in the middle of the veggie patch, where it seemed to go static for a while. Now that the Spring warmth has begun, I notice new leaves!

3 Sept 2020 - Figgy looking good right now, but she has been upended again - due to the levelling of the back tier, I had to take the fig out of the ground. I need to repot her.

8 September 2020 - I have moved poor little figgy a few times as she is leafing up, and I have put here here for now, so she can develop before I move her to the back of the shed to espalier her.

Moved the jap maple + updates 2020

Decided it would look better in this red pot at the front, so I took out the palm, and put it in the back yard.

This palm, left of centre, was in the red pot and I moved it here, in the hope it will grow big and tall, and block out the neighbours, the boys at the back.

22 April, 2020 -

Maple lost a lot of leaves after she was moved. She has only just begun to 'come back'.

23 October 2020 - She has grown a few leaves this Spring season. I am leaving her alone to do her thing. I think she has responded well to the potash does I gave her a few weeks ago. And then some Power Feed recently.

Poinciana flowers for the first time!

So excited and pleased to see the first vibrant flower bracts on MY tree! Lovely. It's 4.5 years old in my garden.

And I can see more flower pods !

And to celebrate, I attached this ornament this morning. I have been waiting for an occasion to attach this for a long time.

3 Dec 2019 -

22 Dec 2019 -

29 Jan 2020 - She's still looking good with a few flowers. We had some rain recently but it would be good to have more, so that she really extends outward and curves downwards. The shade is already very welcome.

Bought a lovely little pot

My gift to self for birthday this year - I just love it's cuteness.

Michelle Allen Designs - https://www.allendesignsstudio.com/