Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Figgy + updates

Bought a brown turkey fig from Bunnings last weekend (22.98), and decided to plant it where the lemon tree was. I moved the lemon tree to the side fence.

The figgy can be espaliered along the fence lines at the back, as a feature.

28 Nov 2019 - Little fig -

As Winter approached this plant just seemed to die off. I have been very worried about it, but have learned that it does not like being watered much.
I relocated it in the middle of the veggie patch, where it seemed to go static for a while. Now that the Spring warmth has begun, I notice new leaves!

3 Sept 2020 - Figgy looking good right now, but she has been upended again - due to the levelling of the back tier, I had to take the fig out of the ground. I need to repot her.

8 September 2020 - I have moved poor little figgy a few times as she is leafing up, and I have put here here for now, so she can develop before I move her to the back of the shed to espalier her.

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