Sunday, January 21, 2018

New plants from market

Desert Rose - white. For Anne, for her birthday.

Red desert rose for me.

New white crepe myrtle, large size; another ellen danika; and orange and zinnabar bougainvilleas.

Total cost $22. Good value!

Rock project

This year, it is all about getting free rocks for the garden. Gumtree will be the first port of call.

When I first cleared the lot, I had many rocks, which I bundled into a cairn, and subsequently got rid of them! How crazy was I! I could really use them now.

Rose ring (wheel)

Bought this to put the third pink climber flower on...hope it will grow from being transplanted from under the archway. I didn't want two climbers growing on that - just the red rose will do for now.

From here:

To here:

I only used two of the height lengths as I want a smaller 'look-over' appearance, rather than a towering thing.

Small at the moment, but I'm sure it will be fine, and look great all over the wheel.

It's called a 'Bower Vine' - Pandorea jasminoides. Love it. Apparently it is a rainforest creeper. I already have a couple going great guns all over the back fence, and overhead out the back, and they are great creeper-climbers, so with any luck, this one will also 'take', grow well, and flower!

11 Sept 2020 -  It's done really nicely! I need to support it, so that it grows over the pergola, to cool it down in summer.

New mandevilla white

Bought and planted a white mandevilla on the other side of the front verandah (outside of course). I saw a white one at the B&B Mum and I stayed at for Peter's wedding,

and it was so pretty, I knew I had to have one. So when the Fraser Island creeper I had died suddenly, I knew where it would go, and couldn't wait to get one!

Planted new crepe myrtle - another white!

White #2. A dwarf variety, although I wish I had noticed that before I bought it. Still, I do love the white ones, which is why I eagerly put it in my Bunnings basket. I also wanted balance (of colours) across the front garden.

It's really only about 6 inches high at the moment, but I do hope it grows to it's full height. It is in a position of full-sun, as suggested (on the label). I trimmed off a few of the under branches/leaves once it was in the ground, to reduce the feeding load for the plant in a new location, but it will catch up, I know.

Update 21 Jan 2018: Moved this tiny dwarf variety to a pot at the back, and in its place, planted a new full-sized white crepe.