Monday, October 14, 2019

Tickle Tank, Mt Barker, South Australia.

Laundry at Mums place

My 20+ yr old washer died last week, so until I get a new one, I am doing my laundry at Mum's. Here it is, hanging on her line tonight. I will collect in the morning, when dry.

This week's vignettes

Mum's garden, Monday morning 14 Oct 2019 -

Tuesday vignette - 15 Oct 2019 -

Doggies wreak havoc!

Monsters! They tore up three cushions! but I had to laugh at the white mess in the garden! Much of the mess was inside the fence, fortunately. I raked up as much as I could, taking handfuls of feathers to the bin. The rest I just wet with the hose, in the hope of weighing them down so they wouldn't fly off into the road on neighbours yards!

I think they are bored. They need toys to play with.

That blessed ugly power pole - eurgh.

14 Oct 2019 -  I didn't do it - he did! 

OH, ok I did it! But you still love me, right? I'm sooo cute!

And I, by the way, was the one to clean up after them. Not their daddy. Sigh. I hope they find a new home soon.