Friday, May 22, 2020

White calliandra at work

Want one of these - so pretty!

Chinese coin plant

This seems to like being outside in the damp.

5 July 2020 - It seems we have pups!

Domestic bliss

I love the ordinary routines of daily life at home.

Leaves fall from book-tree (bauhinia) - pics May to Aug 2020

I believe these are partly deciduous.

Leaves on the ground in the colder weather.

Book tree leaves about to fall.

5 July, 2020 - Many leaves have fallen and been raked up for mulch. I notice there are still flowers though - how weird!

15 August 2020 - 
She still looks a bit 'threadbare', although she is blooming well enough, and there are buds on the branches, looking like new leaves. My hope is that she will be bigger, taller, wider and more lush this Summer season.

19-20 Sept 2020 - Isn't she beautiful?