Thursday, October 8, 2020

Counting blessings


I love this little statue, but would rather someone bought it for me. I night suggest it as a Christmas present from Mum to me. In the meantime, I will give this wee one to Brenda, the Reverend at work, as she has been very supportive and a listening ear to me during the torrid few months.

John's garden - Progress: Oct 2020 - Feb 2021

 The parterre garden is taking shape, slowly. I fed all the murrayas and min-a-mins with potash recently, but I think they also need some seaweed food (Seasol).

15 October - I took some photos from another angle this morning. Gradually, it is getting there...

Feb 20, 2021 - Growth has been very good this summer season and I have finally seen the moment when two plants touch one another - the beginning of the squares!

Lindy's frangi coming back for Season 2020

 Past Lindy's frangi pics

18 October, 2020 - First flowers of the season

2 Nov 2020 -