Thursday, November 30, 2017

Can it look like this? Utilities walk + updates

Leading to this...

14 August 2020 -  it's coming along slowly. All will be better when the garage is built and the junk can go into it (but not the kitties!).

The way they were - Garden progress report

Front side garden (John's Garden / John's Jungle) :

Max stump grinder doing his thing in 2015-

And that same area now:

The back neighbour's fence, 2015:

and now in 2017: I need more ficus on that fence, and German Ivy I say.

The corner of the streets, in 2015:

And now - I have some privacy being established:

5 Dec 2017:

Latest climbing rose in

Planted it round the side-at the back, in the beds. I think it's red, but I've lost the tag. Maybe it's pink. We shall see!

I'm a-gonna paint the fence black, one day. And attach chicken wire for things to grow over. I need to buy a drill.

Two more palms in

More golden canes - hope their locations look ok when they're bigger. The first ones I put in are HERE.

Around the corner, there are some huge golden canes in gardens (almost everyone has one!) - like this one:

Side garden - oleanders planted !

Planted my two bought white oleanders (from Marie, at the local market). They look pretty good here, despite the weeds! I hope they will look great in amongst the frangis and birds of paradise.

Ignore the weeds!