Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Salvo's plant haul

Went there ostensibly to buy some more murrayas but there were none left. So I looked at what was there, and came away with a second abutilon, two white agapanthas and a pink thing, not sure what it is, the leaf looks native and boring but the flower looks pretty pink.

The 'unknown' plant. I'll find out what it is eventually.

16 Oct 2019 - the flowers opened up a little today.

It's an Indian Hawthorn

Orange/yellow abutilon #2

Bought this as part of the Salvos haul this morning - here they all are, in the car coming home.

And here's the colour of the dried/dead flower - it looks very pretty, and I love the shape of the leaves. I gave them a good water before I left for work today.

20 Oct 2019 - And then it has a bit of water and look!

11 Jan 2020 - After many weeks in the ground, applied fertiliser and much watering, here she is today. I've never seen so many blooms on her! Wondering if this is an aberration?

16 Jan 2020 - It's all the rain we have had lately - a couple of wonderful deluges.

26 May 2020 - By comparing photos, it cane be seen to be showing some evidence of growth.

Pink Trumpet Tree + updates

I have ordered one from Daley's but they are still small and growing at this stage.

22 Oct 2019 - it arrived!

23 Oct 2019 - I unpacked it and planted it immediately. It was difficult to remove it from it's pot, and I lost some of the roots. I reckon it might fail a bit because of that shock. I did water it profusely, including with some Seasol. Hoping for the best - at least establishment this season, and maybe a little growth.

24 Oct 2019 -

29 Oct 2019 - no shrivelling as far as I can see. I'm glad I pruned off some of the leaves it arrived with, to reduce stress. I have given it Seasol and water and so far, so good. I want to see new growth before I am happy with things.

7 Nov 2019 -  New little shoots -

9 Nov 2019 - 

28 Nov 2019 -

16 Dec 2019 - two new young shoots at the top.

19 Dec 2019 -