Saturday, October 15, 2016


Here she is - the new buds on the block!

Isn't she lovely!

And here she is..with her friends to follow!
How beautiful!

New metal art

I decided to finally put it all up this morning - even though the house isn't painted, even though there is so much pattern and line-work going on. Who cares - I like it all out there. At least...eventually, it will look much better when the walls are more 'solid' behind them.

Going to Bunnings to get some tiny saddle clips to affix them tight - so no bastard steals them during the night.

Desparately need a creeper on that front section too (left of pic), under the round art. Ficus will do it, I reckon. It will help hold the wood together!

At home on the range today

A restful Saturday, no rushing, just moving at own pace.

Dorothea and Henrietta like to hide out here in the little bit of shade, in the heat of the day. I badly need more high trees, for an 'upper storey' of shade for all of us!