Friday, September 28, 2018

Visited the annual Flower Show in Toowoomba

New wisteria

After the fine growth and disastrous killing of the first tree wisteria, this was her in Jan 2018.

I bought another one and planted it near the new extension at the back. It was dormant for most of winter, but I notice there are some new buds just lately. Lets hope it grows, takes off, flowers and roams all over the new pergola bit.

New season (Spring) pink coral

It's looked very dead for a long time, due to lack of water (rain). Yesterday afternoon, I espied some new pink buds and was very pleased.

25 October: It's beginning to gallop away, with new tendrils and blooms. So pretty.

The last chookie goes to a new home

The family who adopted her, from Leichardt in Ipswich:

And I sold the hutch I had bought for them, too. All over now. I do miss them though.

Dry garden

This time last year, I had the frangi's in John's side garden beginning to flower and the first little grapes on Dirk's vine. It has been so dry lately, for months, that all the plants are a little behind I think. Although the crepe myrtles are budding and leafing now, which is great - a bit earlier than last year.

It was dry this time last year, too. We waited about 3 months for rain. 

Here is the garden in Sept 2017 - it has certainly come on since then.

Garden arch #1, 2 years on

Well, time has passed.

The red rose I planted to grow over the arch has grown, but has not yet flowered. Perhaps rose food needed?

HERE is the arch when first erected, by John, and HERE is when I moved it to a more central spot in the front.

Below, taken 4 Nov 2018. Loaded with aphids. I need to spray it.

And through the arch...

Update 19 Nov 2018: