Friday, July 5, 2019

Nigel's 59th Birthday

Poor Nigel's birthday is today. We went to lunch as a family as per usual, sans Anthony (as he is down south).

It was fine. Held at Char'd in Ipswich. I loved my quinoa and broccoli salad and my sweet potato chips.

Mum complained all the time, Simon wasn't very communicative, Nigel couldn't sit still and after eating, couldn't wait to get out of there! Ah, families!

I enjoyed my beer and looked forward to an afternoon sleep on this dull (weather), rainy day.

The saddest photo of him - he has a cyst growing on his eyelid, poor thing, and his demons are chasing around in his mind.

New garden rocks

These were for free from a place at Walloon. I fetched them this morning, and they look good in my garden.

From original ad - 

This back section of the garden is so very young. The rocks help to improve the look of it a wee bit.

How it was - back garden

May 2020 - 

July 2019

March 2019

Nov, 2018

April 2018

Sept 2017 

July 2017

June 2017

April 2017

Jan 2017

Sept 2016

Feb 2016


July 2015

Prior to 2015

Trimmed the galpinii

The gal was becoming annoying leaning so far over the path to the back, on the left side. So I trimmed it with the hedger. These photos don't show it well, but it does feel neater. Doesn't look so great though. Maybe the Spring regrowth will help. 

I raked the cuttings and put them as a layer in the compost bay, below.

Back garden, with veggie plot - latest shots

I think it looks a mess at the moment, but come Spring, it should green up and look better. We are having some light rain these next few days, so that will be helpful.

Dovecot yet to be put in the ground. The Ipswich Men's Shed put this little house on the pole for me. Fab job.

My first taste of new crop of lettuce!

Lettuce in garden bed 17 July 2019