Saturday, September 4, 2021

I cut down the wisteria tree


New season jasmine, Spring - Aug-Sept 2021


And this, September 1 -

Problems with mower

 It's starting then coughing and dying on me. So I have washed the air filter, and it's casing and am going to get more oil (as the tank was empty). I hope I can fix the thing to mow this weekend, then it obviously needs a service.

This holds me up and slows me down so much on a sunny weekend. I want to get as much done as possible as rain is expected.

Got it back - $96 - will need to be replaced next year, as the engine is old and worn!

Honda Whipper Snipper


Cuttings from red blakeana galpinii

 My neighbours had cut down a significant chunk of this tree growing on their side, and had pushed it over into my yard. I had to trim the edge so that I could walk through to the bins.

I cut the branches down and saved some of the flowers for a vase. They don't last long in a vase though, maybe a couple of days only.

New shoots on wisteria, Spring 2021 + flowering updates

 New shoots seen just this past week.

21 Sept 2021 -

Virginia Creeper, Spring 2021

 I noticed the new leaves a few days ago - great to see them. I hope they spread a lot further this year.

223 Sept 2021 -