Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Walkie - next door's coconut ice boug

I have planted one in my garden - I wasn't aware until recently that next door have one blooming prolifically in their front yard too. Lovely colour.

Walkie - bottlebrushes in flower

Around the block. The long flowers are a deliciously rich red.

Walkie - Wishing Tree

I believe this is a weed tree, but it looked so interesting with the seed pods dangling from it this morning. It reminded me of Chinese wishing trees - where people write their wishes and desires, and throw them up into a tree in the hope that they will come true.

These trees look fab with all the papers and red and gold fluttering from the branches.

Pink coral blooms again

After the big dry, the pink coral has begun to bloom again with it's glorious pink flowers. Only in one corner so far, but I'm hoping it will again soon like a riot of pink all across my front fence.

It rained again last night, so the dewy wetness this morning explains the grass jumping up out of the ground again - weekly mowing coming up.

Past houses

As a military family (air-force), we lived in provided houses. I don't know how my mother put up with them. Most are small and extremely modest in appearance. Far too modest and undemanding was my mother.

Below: 2 Alexandra Avenue, Sale. Mum distinctly disliked this tiny house, and we were permitted to move across the road to No. 5 (below).

Below: 5 Alexandra Street, Sale, Victoria. At least the garden is neat.

Below: How depressing. Looks unoccupied. 12 Watt Street, Raymond Terrace, NSW. I don't recall the front yard being quite so spacious.

Below: 12 Dundilla Road, Frenchs Forest, Sydney. Horrible old house with an odd shaped kitchen.

Below was 23 Jalan Kechubong, Seletar Hills, Singapore. A pretty place but very small in comparison to the luxurious places surrounding it now, and no monsoon drains!

Below: A later photo (March 2018) of 23 Jalana Kechubong. The new owners have made some modifications, it seems.

And at the end of the road, the one in the Seletar Air base region, there were no skyscrapers in our day! It was a rubber plantation!

New chookas

Purchased 3 new chookies this morning, from a Vietnamese guy at Inala. Found him online at Gumtree. He said they were about a year old, and still laying.

I clipped their wings when I got them home, and named them, 'Fluffy Legs', 'Isabella Isobrown', and 'Rosemary'.

Not sure what Dorothea thinks of things - she's hiding from them at the moment.

Day Two: 11 Oct 2017
The girls seem fine together. Their names have developed slightly: 
Rosie-Posie (front), Izzy-wizzy (front right), Fluffy-feet (far left)and Dorothea (back right).