Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Progress in John's Garden + updates

20 Nov 2019 -

How it was -

and how it is today - 19 Nov 2019 - so, things ARE growing.....

22 Nov 2019 -

28 Nov 2019 -  the sea of pink is growing! I hope the vinca really spread all over there, in a long line.

I want a parterre effect like this - lots of balls in pots -


2 Dec 2019 - Some photos of the growth of the murrayas and min-a-mins (much slower) - I do like the way they are shaping up, but I need more plants to complete the effect.

Morning pretty front garden pictures

Have to make the most of any flowering in this dreadful drought.

24 Nov 2019 - another section of the front garden.

26 Nov 2019 - The lovely eucalypt showing through.

View to the back

And previously...

New - pinwheel jasmine

I transplanted this jasmine and it seems to be growing - certainly there are some blooms, but the flowers are unusual. I've not seen them before. It appears it is a variety of jasmine, called jasminum nitidum, and grows as a shrub, spilling over a pot.

I like it! I think I will put it in a pot.

Also called 'angel wing jasmine', pinwheel jasmine, or windmill jasmine. Jasminum nitidum is synonymous with J. ilicifolium and J. magnificum.
Jasminum nitidum is a fragrant shrub that can also be grown as a twining vine. When planted alone, the plant maintains a shrubby form, and wayward growths can be clipped off to keep it in shape. When planted near taller plants or some other type of support, the growth becomes more vine-like, twining around the support and climbing upward. The natural height in shrub form is about 3-4 feet, but as a vine can climb to 15 feet or more.
The white flowers are multi-petaled and fragrant. They appear in clusters on the ends of new growth any time the plant is actively growing. Individual flowers are two inches across. Leaves are dark green and glossy, making the plant attractive even when not in bloom. Flower buds are pinkish in color before opening.
Jasminum nitidum is synonymous with J. ilicifolium and J. magnificum. Some of the common names it is known by include Star jasmine, Shining jasmine, Pinwheel jasmine, Angel wing jasmine, and Windmill jasmine.
This species is recommended for USDA Zones 9-11. A hard freeze in the colder parts of this range may cause some stem die-back but the plant quickly recovers. It is native to the Admiralty Islands of Papua New Guinea.
Growth and flowering will be best in full sun to part shade. Gulf Fritillary and Swallowtail butterflies are attracted to the blooms.
20 Nov 2019 - Pretty little thing - 

23 Nov 2019 - I watered profusely last night, and here is the result - pretty flowers and more buds.

26 Nov 2019 - 

18 April 2020 - It seems to like water

29 Oct 2020 - I planted it in the side garden, and with recent heavy rains, it has really come on well. It DOES seem to really appreciate a lot of water.