Sunday, February 23, 2020

Catties in the garden - Feb 2020

Indoor vignettes

Verandah and updates, to end 2020

Some work still needs doing - painting the walls, a large outdoor rug, and general sprucing.

1 Nov 2020 - 

General garden shots, Feb 2020

Commemmorating Dad

On 9th Feb, 9 years ago, Dad passed.

Today, a large black and white butterfly fluttered around in front of me and alighted on my plant. I like to think it was Dad's representative in our thoughts.


The recent two weeks of rain resulted in many types of fungi proliferating in the garden, from the soil. Odd shapes.

Went to my first Open Garden event

Sunnybank Hills - Rene Hundscheidt's garden. Gorgeous. 
Took lots of photos and saw that the plants are not that exotic - I have many of them already. So - on with the development of my own dream garden!

He is also hosting a night-time event where he shows all the pretty lights, but I probably won't go to that - I don't much like going out at night.

Photos from the day - it was overcast and a little drizzly but that made it bearable and lovely.