Monday, October 5, 2020

Bought 3 obelisks from Bunnings (West Ips)

 At $20 each, I thought they were pretty good value, and will last a long time. I got the idea of these from Desie's garden in Childers (see last 3 photos). Mine have points at the top, rather than being rounded (Desie's), which I quite like.

Desie's Veggie Garden, with obelisk

Bought white geranium and string of beans

 from a lady at Karalee, via Facebook Marketplace.

This was the bush the geranium was struck from, in her front garden - looks strong and healthy. 

I am not planting it out until it grows somewhat bigger - 

Queen's Wreath #3 flowers!

 I am pleased that this QW (Petrea Volubilis) is showing signs of flourishing!

Oct 1, 2020 - 

Oct 4, 2020 - 

16 October, 2020 - This is the tree just up the road from me. It is completely neglected, as far as I can see, and yet it flowers beautifully! It looked stunning this morning, with the rising sun shining on it.

and this is the same tree up the road, in 2015 - 

31 Oct -  Mine responds rather well to plenty of water (preferably rain water!).

4 Nov 2020 -