Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Pretty chair pics

One of these days I will take this poor old weathered chair apart, and take the bits to the local Men's Shed to have it resurfaced and finished.

Puddies in the garden

Summer 2019 grapevines

The best they've been yet. Perhaps they have just grown to a certain, more noticeable size. I'm lovin' the leaves.

31 Oct 2019 - 

12 Nov 2019 -

Grapevine prunings

I gave the lower leaves a wee prune this morning. Wanting to make the top area where the energy goes.They look pretty and well-shaped arranged just so at the base of the vine.

Back fence + updates

Jac #3 and flowers

There is a list to the right a bit, towards the rising sun of the east, I think.

Debris - jac flowers fallen onto the garden - 

29 Oct 2019 -