Friday, July 13, 2018

Sunny winter's day

Simon helped me move this red wire table around to the front - the plants are still under cover, but get better filtered light, and I have more space at the back of the house, along 'utilities walk'.

Painting the concrete

Sam and his friend came today to finish off the job. They had acid washed it, and now it's time for paint. The same grey as the rest of the verandah. It looks nice and clean.

I had to dry up the leaky patch first, with the blow heater! It worked!

They will do the outside path tomorrow morning.

Guys on the roof fixing the leak

Rick, Sean and an apprentice came back to fix the leak over the new verandah segment, and bead up the perspex window and a few other things (taper the upper beams, put brackets to hold them up better, and remove an old gate post). Thankfully, that will be all finished tomorrow and I can forget about them.

Blokes on the roof.

Strelitzia first flower!

Look how crappy the ground is - needs serious replenishment. But I am excited at my first bird-of-paradise flower!

15 July 2018: Beautiful colours on the spike -

Update: 24 July: 
Here she comes! The silky smooth orange heart slowly's almost sensuous!

Break-out day! 25 July, 2018:

Update 26 July: ...and she takes flight!

27 Sept 2018: This is the second flower, with the first looking a bit scrappy now...