So, today, Fri 23 October is Yr 12's last day of school lessons. It seems amazing - my 2 Yr 12 English classes, plus the Extension group are over.
It's such a feeling of relief, that is all finishing, and that the stress and worry of teaching them, and giving them all the content they need, is over.
I feel so elated that my time here is almost gone, but also a sense of wonder at home much I have learned during this year.
Not one of the students in the classes taken from me have improved in their results from what I gave them. SO much for the others being 'far-superior' teachers (my words, not theirs). Hear this VFE. And while you're at it, lose half your body weight and your knees might not be such a problem.
So, I can move on in confidence knowing that I am on the right track as a teacher. Bastards.