Sunday, September 2, 2018

Brunfelsia - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow plant + updates

A year ago, this bush looked bigger and was covered in flowers in early November.

This year, early September, the flowers are more sparce, and the plant looks smaller, I guess because of less rain. Still pretty though.

Looking better today 11 Sept, 2018:

And now, 8 Sept, 2019 - we are experiencing a big dry spell. I have had to water this plant very regularly, and today I noticed the first flower for this season - below. I very much doubt whether this will be a good flowering period at all.

11 Sept 2019 - More flowers and there are visible buds appearing! Thanks to my watering...

15 Sept 2019 - more flowers have appeared.

17 Sept 2019 -

25 Sept 2019 - Lots more flowers, and new shoots (taller), thanks to the water I've been giving it.

Spoilt kitties

Tems aka 'monster cat'

Ms Chookie sitting pretty

Flowers at Churchie


New leaves and growth on mini pink crepe myrtle + update

This one has been sticks for along time, and lo! new leaves!

 Not-very-focussed shot of end -bud

New leaves from said bud, as at 11 Sept:

30 Sept 2018:  

This one (below) is very pretty - needs a new location, I think. 
Love the rush of pink! 
It's very 'drapey', so needs to be held upright.

 Loads of new buds

Spring! New buds on the book tree! + update

This is bauhinia blakeana - symbol flower of Hong Kong. I love the orchid-like flower. I love both the pink and the white flowering trees.

It's one of my favorite plants. I have been worried about it, since it has been so dry. Furiously watering it whenever I could. I don't know whether these flower-buds are a response to Spring, or its dying last-gasp. I so hope it lives to grow tall, green and strong again.

Update - it flowered a couple of days ago, around 6 Sept. Definitely not as vigorous as last year, but perhaps that's because they are much higher than at eye level now! I may have made a mistake cutting off the lower branches. However, I will just let it do it's thing from now. I'm hoping it sprouts lower down - I have seen this happen on fully grown trees in the street. Also, I believe the drought has put a dent in it's growth, although the new season's warmth may help it get bigger from now.

From Burke's Backyard:

Sunday morning at the ranch, 2015 - 2018

Flashback to 3 years ago, soon after I moved in. I am so happy the garden has taken off, and continues, despite drought to make the place look better. 
It needs a lot of work, which I am happy to do, but oh! we need rain.

Got a bunch of small flowers - look nice in a little vase for Spring, inside:

Sweet Pea Shrub ‘Petite Butterfly’ (Polygala fruticosa). Love it!