Friday, January 12, 2018

Outsourcing the lawn

Mike and Loretta doing my lawns. I snuck a photo while I was hiding inside. 
Couldn't be bothered making the effort in this heat (36-38 C), so I asked them to come.

They have a website too

It only took them an hour between them to whipper-snip and to mow, inside and out. Takes me 3 hours when I do it myself! I have to keep stopping for drinks and small rests.

Took this photo from the car, as I was leaving to go shopping, an hour or so after they were done. It looked fine. I had asked Loretta to cut it a bit shorter this time, so it did look a bit dry but it should be right for the coming week now, when I am at work. I will probably mow again next Saturday. 

The photo does not really show how nice the garden looks, and how colorful. I feel immense satisfaction that it is looking like a garden now, with grown up plants. The colours are lovely.

A better shot - 

Fruit of the vine

Red grapes finally here! They are sweet too.

It was a year ago that this was first documented. This year - fruit!

Tidied up out the back

This really is quite a long and narrow walkway. If I wasn't so dependent on it for storage, I could make it look more attractive.

I even emptied 6 boxes of books finally - have been meaning to do it for months. They were mostly wet and rotting. Most will go in bin. Some to second-hand shop, best ones I will keep. Here they are drying in the sun and heat of midday.