Sunday, October 22, 2017

Want 'shell ginger'

Will plant it in John's Garden.

Alpinia zerumbet

Gardener's feet

I gardened for 4 and a half hours on Friday (20 Oct) to ensure that the garden was neat before the rain onslaught again. It looked pretty good but it will have to be done again soon as the rain is set to continue this Monday 23 Oct.
Here's the front in twilight, just before evening (below). I was well pleased with my efforts (and it's good exercise). I have 3 azalea beds now, and have yet to fill the third. I have a couple of plants ready for it, including a red chinese lantern plant, which I will put in the centre, for the time being. I'm not sure how it will do there but will see. Apparently they are related to hibiscus plants, so maybe I should put it in the front to join the hedge there. Or maybe train over a rose ring or french arbour, only, I'm not sure where to put a rose-ring. I'll have to assess carefully, so that it gets enough sun when the bigger trees grow. 

and here's my feet at the end of the day!

Today, (Sunday 22 Oct), I went to the local markets this morning, and bought some more plants from Marie from Little Pee-Dee Nursery. Since the ground was softer from all the rain, I was able to dig them into the ground - more vegies (butternut pumpkin, and peas, and more tomatoes - cherry ones this time), and moved the hibiscus from the back to the front fence (hope they survive), and planted the magnolia in the front.

I also bought a white bird of paradise (strelitzia nicolai) for the front (John's Garden) as this is just a mess at the moment - completely weedy and needing attention. I have two lovely frangis growing there, a fruit-salad colour, and a blood-red, but the area needs more attention. As I hardly look there or use it, I think these birds of p'dise will go well there. The blue and white flowering one is striking, and apparently grows to 2m, so that should be a nice focus, and the leaves will be good for decoration inside, in a vase.

 Rose-ring I'd like to buy from Bunnings, and perhaps grow this little chinese lantern plant over it:

12 August 2019 - 

Egg bounty

 I wondered where the new girls were laying their eggs - the inside of the hutch has hardly been touched. There has been almost constant rain since I brought these ladies home, and I couldn't work out where they were laying, if they were.

Then I looked under a flap of heavy cardboard covering the spiral staircase, and lo! There they were - a veritable bounty!

There were so many, I couldn't quite balance them all in this small plastic tray, and a few smashed to the ground. This however gave me the chance to see that the yolks were a lovely golden colour, and they seemed fine to eat.


Rainy Saturday and Lazy Sunday

The (furry) girls and I took it a bit easy yesterday as it rained all day long.

Look at my beautiful Tutti

We lay in bed till 8.30 this Sunday morning....

Time to arise!

Lovely Taffy on a sunny morning (Tues 24 October 2017)

PS: A year later, the girls are still doing it! (Oct 2018)