Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Planted a white climbing rose + updates

Update 25 July, 2018: Buds have appeared! Lovely pinky hue. No aphids so far... I've been giving it plenty of water, since there's been no significant rain for ages.

29 July. It's flowering, but I'd like to see some climbing please!

Update: 1 Aug 2018: Blooming!

I've been watering it regularly and it's growing well, with new buds and more leaves. 

Update 27 Sept 2018:

30 Sept: I believe I may have my first 'climbing' branch - on the right. It has definitely thickened up, but now I want height!

7 Nov - What a bobby dazzler! Seems to be doing well, but now I want to move it to the centre of the wall. Am a bit worried that this might kill it but am going to do it anyway. Next weekend.

5 Feb 2019: Haven't moved it yet - don't think I will. The cutest little white rose you've ever seen. Has survived despite a grasshopper plague which has assaulted the garden since I got rid of the chooks :-(

12 April 2019: It's grown rather well, but I think I may need to prune it this winter, and get it to climb rather than expand sideways.