Friday, February 15, 2019

Food writing

An example of the sassiest I have ever read:

Heat continues

20 Feb 2019:

No rain, and I have worked late for a couple of nights, so I rose early to water the garden today. It is dreadfully dry - I am sure my watering is just keeping everything hanging on. The bougainvilleas of course are just fine - they like it dry.

Blue Butterfly Bush + updates

Bought this at the Salvation Army Lifeline type centre - such a pretty thing. As usual, I hope it grows well to fill the space in the fence.

New rocks in place, 26 Feb 2019:

Update: 15 April, 2019 - The first blossom!

Update: 21 March, 2019 - heartening to see such lovely blooms!

25 March 2019 -

I love how this area is thickening up with foliage and flowers, in front of the gap in the fence-line. You can clearly see the tiny blue butterfly flowers here, centre-right.

Dragon fruit update, Feb 2019

This morning I noticed some red buds on the arms of the plant. I'm not sure if it will produce red fruit or yellow. The latter is apparently the sweetest of the type. I need to get these fruits strung along a few wires.

Here's a series of photos of the fruiting cycle of this plant:

and here:

3 March 2019 - latest pic - desperately needs staking!

15 July, 2019 - this poor plant has been moved from pillar-to-post. I am going to try to propagate it in a new pot soon. I am also giving cuttings away for free on Facebook Marketplace.