Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The big divide

I totally exhausted myself mowing the front lawn today. Being just on the mend from a bout of flu, I have no 'herbs' left for energetic things at the moment. I really pushed to get it done, as it was looking so untidy out there, and I'm so prominent on the street as things stand at the moment (till the trees grow up a bit). I was unable to walk for a short while, let alone push the mower, and crying at how dreadfully physically weak I felt. Now have a cold sore for my efforts!

One of the benefits though was that I could see progress in one strip of the front lawn. There's a patch that made me feel 'ah yes!' when I stood on it. For just one or two seconds, I felt like I was standing on a millionaire's manicured garden lawn (if I closed my eyes).

I don't know what type of lawn has taken hold - perhaps the seed I had randomly scattered months ago. It felt soft under foot, and was green and lush after the short (i.e., miniscule) rain shower we had today.There is still some brown discoloraton in there, but overall...mmmmm!

However, there are larger patches of the lawn where the battle still rages between large round weeds with huge outstretched runners, most of which I tried to cut off whilst mowing. Tried to shorten them a bit anyway. This is the one - what's it's name?

I don't know whether I should poison these, dig them out (probably - next time it rains and the ground is properly sodden - not any time soon according to weather reports - March is supposed to be more of the same as stinking hot Feb, with 30+ degrees (C) every day (though April could bring good rains - and cyclones)....or.....hope that the 'good' grass strain will take over eventually. I'll just keep throwing seed about when it's wet too.

For a second, just a brief second, I felt I was 'winning', and that felt very good.

Other patches of ground are hard, dry and cracked. A round of topsoil and mulch on the top would be good, but that will have to happen when I get more doh-reh-mi.

Now it's back to bed with me to rest, coping with the fluey-rigors of being sweaty one minute and cold the next.

Talk about a 'divide'!