Sunday, June 4, 2017

Amanda Keller to visit Ipswich, Aug 4.

Garden vignette

The weather has been so lovely so far - sunny every day, even though the mornings and evenings are cool.

I can deal with winter like this.

Little vignette of a garden buddha, my pinky azalea, and gardenia. Both of which need feeding.

Christmas cactus - schlumbergera

Lovely tiny thing purchased at Bunnings a few weeks ago - about to flower now!

There are also some cuttings I received from Jeannette in this pot - don't know what colours but I love these plants.

I hope the pink one grows to look as good as this -

18 June 2020 - 

Mine seems to be going ok, but probably needs repotting now.

Girls June 2017

Tutti (lower left) and Tiina-Weena (upper right) helping their Mama prune the hibiscus in the front garden, along the fence, on this lovely bright and warm June morning.

Flowering camellia

Purchased only a few weeks ago, and repotted finally!

Now looking like it's flowering. Such a pretty thing. I hope it grows big and tall.

Not a focussed shot (below), but the colour is lovely.