Monday, February 5, 2018

Garden views 4 Feb 2018

Such a pretty, autumn-feeling afternoon, post-mowing, clipping, tieing and trimming. The sun is so bright and the photos so light-filled that the colours of the flowers don't look, in these photos, as good as they really are. It looks much better IRL! 
For example, look at this beautiful pink, on the bougainvillea, below, which fades into insignificance in the larger photo.

I cut some and added the stems to a vase inside - such pretty pinks.

As plants grow up and exceed the height of the fence, I am finally beginning to feel like I am getting somewhere with this yard.

I'm starting to enjoy patches of shade from the new growth on my trees!

New things

Bought this little candle in a sea urchin case from the markets - love it.

and this little tea-light candle burner also. Little dragonflies shine out from it when lit, esp seen at night.

New plants from market Sunday 4 Feb

Bought from Maree:

May bush: Oh I SO want this to grow big and lovely to cover that corner! A double-header!

Variegated leaf hibiscus: Very tiny at the moment! I hope it's a red flower. I'd like it to be tall and pretty to make part of the hibi-hedge I want along that front fence. Also, the variegation matches the variegated pink boug at the other end of the garden.

Bougainvillea 'Tango': Problem - when I removed it from its pot, it only had one tap root, nothing else. I don't think they were ripped off - there was no resistance at all as it slid out of the pot. I hope it grows - they don't like their roots bothered.

White ixora - Bought from Bunnings as I had not seen a white one before. Have not yet planted this in the ground.

Bay tree: Have not yet planted this either.