Monday, November 5, 2018

John's Garden #7 - parterre redevelopment

It's been over 3 years that I have been dithering about this part of the garden - I call it John's Garden or John's Jungle.

I have decided that I would like to use this area for some formal parterre. I'd like some ball topiary, and murraya hedges in squares, like so

I could maybe put in some more mini-murraya to make crosses, like this: 

There are trees inside the patches, but that's ok. I will need another few star-jasmine's to fill
in the spaces inside the borders. I could also have some white lavender in the spaces too, to cut down on weed growth.

Will use these white long bricks to demarcate the areas.

The container

Oh how I want this gone.

There's another one in the street. It looks to be a more permanent fixture, whereas mine is only temporary.

Painting needed

Simon reckons he will paint the back frame for me. Right. We shall see what transpires.

Side views of front

Unfortunately, the house infrastructure is looking worse. I need to find funds to fix things.

Moved the light pink boug + updates

Had a mini boug which was in a pot. Moved it out as it seemed to be losing its leaves. Have now put it in the front against the fence. Hopefully it will do well and grow up it. Lovely pink color.

It looks terribly dry there though, despite my watering last night. Lets hope the boug likes it dry.

Update: 21 March, 2019 - We had a long drought, and then a deluge of rain. It seems to have kicked this off a bit though, as she seems to have perked up, and I can observe two light pink blossoms.

25 March 2019 - Same position, but more pronounced pink blossoms!

29 March 2019 - Proper flowers with the pronounced white stamen (the actual flower)

6 Nov 2019 - it didn't seem to flourish in that part of the greater garden, but here,on the other side of the driveway, it seems to be doing ok.

Petunia baskets + burnt red robin

Using up some petunia buds I had bought but not yet planted out. Have put them in baskets hanging from the fence. Thing is, those baskets dry out so much, and so quickly, and it has been fiercely hot yesterday and today.

One of my red robins looks like it has been burnt, too. I hope it does not die.


Bought this little one a few months ago - it really was very small. It seems to have grown ok, and now, from one of the front garden beds, I've put it in a pot.

I filled the bowl with water last night, but it has been so hot yesterday and today, that I notice is has almost evaporated. I will fill it again for the birds - they need a drink in this heat.

They're looking quite healthy, otherwise.

Latest garden shots and removed garden bed frames at front

Had the mower fixed, was able to mow the lawn low, and make things look neat. I have removed the garden beds at the front. Will use them at the back for herbs. Will eventually use the soil in pots, and also just spread it over the lawn.

Front door look #2 + updates

Finally repotted the other ficus standard. Although it is small, I can totally see it matching the other one soon. I need to give them some fert.

16 Nov 2018:

13 Feb 2019:

Cassia leptophylla - Gold Medallion Tree

3 Nov 2018

Found these seeds when I went for a walk around Barker Street, when I was at work to supervise the SAT this Saturday morning.

There were seed pods on it, and I grabbed them. Was so pleased to see them - I hope they grow in my yard.

They are supposed to be fast growing trees.

New on the fence

An old water fountain I bought from a garage sale. I need to paint it black I think, but for now, I've put in some petunias and some dichondra (silver falls). Hopefully it will spill over and look good. Need to keep the water up as it has been so terrribly hot (39C today).