Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Brian plan

Brian Thomas visited and made some suggestions which involved closing in the front verandah to increase my space. It seems like a good idea and I hope he comes back to me with some plans. It's becoming very frustrating and exhausting.

The below is a line drawing I made approximating his ideas. The finer points of design need to be tweaked, but I like what I see, I think.

He didn't give me any indication of whether he would help me realise these alternatives. His handshake, when he left was weaker than when he arrived, and with no solid word to go on, I feel I am left hanging somewhat.

I emailed Nicole of Stephensen's Constructions (Shane's wife) to ask whether this 'too small' job might still be a possibility for them, and am waiting to hear more.

Here are some pic ideas for the back of my place.

Galpillii, in town

East Brisbane. I arrived at work one afternoon, to find this overgrown version of this nice creeper. Hopefully, one day mine will look as big and well established on my fence, too.

Home grown nasturtiums

A watering session, this cold morning (last of current winter).

Temporary carport #2 collapsed

Alas it is no more. I arrived home late last night, to find this....it looked worse in the dark. My heart sank. The sunshine of a new, cold (1 F) morning made it less dramatic though.

I asked Mum and John to come help me dismantle the tarp and structure. Which they did.

I am grateful as I could not do it by myself. I felt a bit defeated.

And now, here we are without it. Just a bit of scrap metal in the corner, near the bins. I'll call a local scrap metal yard soon.

It used to look so good, and was so useful.

I'm considering having a sail erected. Something like this, or an approximation. Just something to provide some shade over the car and plants, and concrete area.

My Hong Kong apartment 2002 - 2006