Saturday, April 11, 2020

General morning garden shots - Easter 2020

A very unusual and pretty fungus under my salvias this morning.

Walking past in my raggy gardening togs -


This has leafed up a lot more since I have been regularly watering it. It dislikes direct sunlight.

Copper coin plant

I bought this from a lady at Mount Gravatt sometime ago. It likes a lot of water, so it is sitting in a pot where I water it, and the water is contained within.

Ginger and heliconia

I bought the ginger from the Open Garden place I went to earlier in the year.

I finally got around to putting it in the ground. Hope it grows in the shade there. Will have to keep it watered.

I also put the heliconia in the shadey area there too. Hope it grows ok.

I need a ground cover there as well.

Little boy

at least it's not the mannikin pis.

Arabella and Henry arachnids - resident golden orbs - the one with red legs

This is Henry: his web is huge

I moved his web on and it is lower now, but in an out of the way place, which is better:

Golden webs, reflecting the morning sunshine, 16 May, 2020 -

Latest frangis - before they go bare for winter

There is rust already on the leaves, and they are falling off the trees to the ground as the weather cools.

Leaves on the ground

This one wants to flower!

19 May 2020 -

23 May 2020 -

She's amazing - still flowering whilst losing her leaves!

1 June 2020 - First day of winter - 

Leaves dying but the urge to flower as well!

4 June 2020 - 

I cleaned up the back yard

It's a mess out there and full of weeds, just mown down. But at least it's tidy.

20 April 2020 -

How the back used to look -