Sunday, September 5, 2021

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow bush

 Flowering time again!

Banksia in John's Garden

 Flowering beautifully.

The end of some pink coral in John's garden

 I couldn't stand the mess of it growing on top of the house and over the back, and dropping all it's dead leaves, so I cut it at the root. Now that it is dead, I have yet to get rid of the old branches in next door's yard.

In the front, it appears very brown, dry and well, dead, but I need it for privacy, until the potato vine and bougainvillea grow up enough to replace the cover.

Figgy comes back

 I'm going to fill the surrounding area with soil soon, and just put this little tree in the soil and let her rip. It should gather all the water in that recess there so she should take off ok. and then I can espalier her against the back-side of the shed.

Overcast today in the garden

 Frangipanis have not yet flowered.

New hibiscus flower

 I cannot remember planting this but here is the gorgeous blousy flower! I hope she gets really big as a bush now.

Still quite small as a bush at the moment, and the flower is hidden by the foliage.

Wallpaper Chateaux style

THIS is the wall paper Stephanie used on her downstairs loo walls. Youtube HERE