Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Unpacking of stuff, 27-28 June

Mike and Loretta are coming tomorrow to help me unpack and unwrap the rest of the stuff from overseas. I want it done, so that some bits can be moved inside, and some can be sold, after I take photos of it for sale.

There is a mountain of cardboard which needs dumping too. Things are going to look worse before they look better.

The day arrived (27 June)!

And this is what I was left with - a space! Yay!

New mulch

Mum had some trees cut down and trimmed this morning, so I asked the guys from Mr Trees whether I could have the mulch. They said yes and dumped it at my place - this is what I will be doing this coming weekend - spreading it over the garden!

They also moved the bird bath over to it's stand, but I noticed it is leaning over a bit, and will need to be propped up with something underneath on one side.

Sold the tomellila sofa

Only used this once, in Hong Kong when Jean came to visit. That was the reason I bought the thing.

Sold today - got $195 for it, and it went to a family who have just moved up to Qld from Victoria and with their grandchildren with them, needed extra bed space.

Here is the grandfather, Ian, and one of the grandkids, AJ, getting it out of my place - 

I gave the mother a bag full of plants plus a potted fiddle leaf fig.

And, away it goes. Thank you for the service and I'm glad you can help out a needy family.

When I find the other cushions for it, I'll drop them off.