Monday, November 6, 2017

Sept 2016 to Nov 2017



Peter and Ali's wedding

Next January 13th, we are going to the wedding of my cousin Peter to Ali, an anaesthetist.

This is the BnB we've booked at Brookfield for the night.

Tutti on the car!

Bought a new car cover on the weekend and here's Tutti, christening it, draping herself all over it, as she is wont to do!

Earlier, in the bedroom...

She's such a spoilt darling.

New mulberry + update 5 Jan 2017

Bought this plant and am nursing it until it gets a bit bigger, then will transplant into the yard, top level, near the other fruit and veg.

Growing! Update 17 Nov 2017:

Update 5 Jan 2017: She has grown so quickly!

Update 21 Jan 2018: Getting bigger. Will plant in ground shortly.

Latest birdy-bath + update

Ripped out the old petunias and put in some more fresh ones. Also bought a hug bag of sugar cane mulch and went around the garden adding it here and there. Chookies keep scratching it away!

Update 17 Nov 2017:

Latest lettuce

Thought I would try a few before the really hot season begins. They look ok. The rains helped and a few drops at night-time too.

New palms are in

Need a couple more for the front and then I'm done!

Interior 5 Nov 2017

Looks like a shop! Too small, too much in there.