Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Milk on the garden

I had some curdled light (fat-free) milk in the fridge - couldn't use it for my morning coffee, so chucked it on the rose - noticing the second flower today. Apparently milk has good antibacterial properties for gardens, and roses in particular, re-black spot.

Two helpful sites:

It's also good for tomatoes, preventing blossom end rot. It enriches soil health, and keeps aphids away. Who knew?!

Spanish moss in flower!

I have never seen or known 'grandfather's beard' to flower, ever. But I noticed this morning some little green appendages on mine, on the fence nearest the road. I was so surprised, thinking some other leaves had become tangled in the moss, but no - it IS flowering! So great to see.

I did not know that this plant (tillandsia) is a relative of bromeliads, and pineapples! Apparently, it propagates also by seed - I am looking forward to checking for those. I'll collect them, and see if they will grow.

Tiny seed pods!

The seeds out of the pod are supposed to look like this - we'll have to wait and see!