Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Robyn Mizalski, Art teacher friend.

Died Gundagai, 15 December, 2019. Oh, what history. RIP my friend.

Paul, Emma, Amy.

Robyn's ex-husband -

Jean, my aunt (Dad's sister)

Also Mum's bridesmaid.

Bought this sofa for the verandah

From the Salvos - 

and a bunch of new plants - bougs, Queens' Wreath (sandpaper plant), jasmine and myrraya, to put in the spaces tomorrow.

Kitsch garden things from Bunnings

In the kitty way...If I could afford them, I would get the two on the right.

Unknown seed pod

Can't remember where I picked this up from!

Back garden this morning

Arose at 5.20 am and swept, raked and put up these bird cages at the back.

It still looks a mess, but, I still have plans!!

25 April, 2020 -