Monday, June 21, 2021

Winter solstice sunset


A pussy cat coming to meet me!


New day bed


Winter in the garden


Mum's pig face flowers for the first time!


Orange creeper


Crepe myrtle is sticks too for winter


Frangis are empty sticks

 Winter solstice and the frangis are bare again - 

Updates on John's Garden

The murrayas have really grown well, to the point where they are now touching and meeting each other. This has been long a-waited by me. I look forward to when all the gaps are filled, and there are two large flat covered green squares.

The growth in this area is noticeable and I am SO pleased!

Nov 2019 -

Feb 2021 -

and now, June 2021 - I am so very grateful.

Here are the murrayas reaching out and tickling each other  -