Thursday, October 3, 2019

Mum's little vignettes

Tutti outside with Mama

We sat together outside in the evening light. It was cool and beautiful.

Gardenia #2

Has buds!

11 Oct 2019 -  First flower!

A little damaged by all the wet stuff today (lovely rain) - 

16 Oct 2019 - Second bloom - 

Loads of buds - 

29 Feb 2020- A while ago, I decided to put it in a pot and hey presto - blooms!

Neighbour's cutting down nuisance tree

Finally! The China Doll tree which is a terrible weed is being cut down. It's right next door to my fence and drops crap all over my back area.

They are cutting it down! So happy! It will let in more light to my place but also make it a bit more visible but I happy to sacrifice those for my better hedges I'm growing.

The guys doing it seem very friendly, and told me my gutters were full of leaves from this tree, so I will have to get up there to clean them after they have finished.

Goodbye tree!

Look! Tree gone!

Unfortunately bare, but I will have to get some bamboo in there qwik-smart!

Less mess at the back now! Yay!

Cleaned up -