Thursday, April 12, 2018

A good thing, a bad thing

I painted this ornament black - looks better.

And the lovely wooden screen smashed - I will have to get it lazer cut and replaced.

I tidied up the yard

and mowed a bit, to clear up the mess of the garden beds removed to make way for the container. I pruned the lavender beds too and pulled weeds from them.


So, the reno process has begun. The container arrived this afternoon around 1pm, and there was some fun and games getting it into position - NOT the position I wanted it in though. However, the guys were very nice indeed.

They mucked around to get it level.

And finally left, after showing me how to open and close it.

See ya again in a month or two guys, to pick it up.

So, now it's ready to be filled with my stuff from out the front under cover, and the reno can begin.

Monolithic, isn't she?

NBN travails

Two Energex trucks rolled up early this morning outside, in my street, and the guys conversed for some time. I thought they were going to set up again to block sections off so they could resume mucking about for the NBN. 
That mucking has been going on the past week, with lots of noise and machines,

Turns out that one of the trucks had knocked off or torn down an Optus line. We lost power for a good half hour, and the internet went out for the rest of the day. Came on again, after I had phoned twice to complain, at 8pm. So annoying.

They fucked up, majorly. We finally had internet back at 8pm. REALLY.

Morning Tea with Kerry

I invited Kerry Lindquist around for morning tea. I had been to her place a couple of times, for garden events, and knew she wanted to see my place too. So I invited her over, and gave her le grand tour. She gave me a lovely bunch of flowers from her garden, and some cute ornaments for plant pots.

It was a lovely morning. Mum came too.