Friday, April 21, 2017

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

This lovely bush appears to be progressing pleasingly. I do give it lots of water, which it appears to enjoy.

And this one lives at a house around the corner. I noticed it on my walk this morning. Lovely.

White plumbago grows! + Updates

This plant is growing and flowering well. These are latest pics of growth.

It's pretty and I love it. I want it to grow into a big bushy shrub (to cover the ugly, uneven ground and fence)!

Update 26 Sept, 2017:

Update: 10 Jan 2018 - 

23 Jan 2018: First picked flowers (actually from some trimmings which were heading out onto the verge).

Update 24 Jan 2018 -  I added the zinnabar boug there (in the pot), as there is a huge hole where a stump has been ground out, and where the chookies like to dig. It needs to be filled with dirt and I will get around to that eventually. Want the zinnabar to row some first.