Thursday, February 1, 2018

Side of house then and now

I use this spot for a nursery bay now. Ultimately, I want it to be an extension of the house. Who knows how long that will take!

I look at these and feel that my efforts have been worth it.

The wee girls, early 2016

Peri and Coco in the garden, very early in my time there.

African, and 'normal', Violets

Trent said his favourite flowers of his childhood were the ones his aunt had - african violets. When I look at them, I can't help but think of him, and that he apparently refused to do any further work on the house for me, which is a shame as I like these flowers and I don't want to be reminded of unpleasantness when I look at them.

He was a good tradesman and I did not mean to offend him but he took umbrage at something - I have no clue. He just refused to take my calls. Maybe he just got too busy. He was somewhat immature so perhaps he just didn't know how to to tell me, or refuse my requests.

Anyway, I notice my african violets are doing quite well at the moment, in their 'glass cage'! Maybe it's their own 'environment' created.

I love their little pink and sometimes violet flowers.

As for the 'normal violets', I have some of them too. They look to be going ok. I bought the concrete pot from a crazy woman at the local markets last Sunday. She's into aquaponics apparently, and makes the pots in all sizes. I liked this 'hat' shape, although I'm inclined to paint the pot white.

Flower pics

Took these after my first morning walk for the year. Good thing to start in Feb - it's a cooler day, the first we have had for ages. Yesterday was 37C here! Dreadful. Some plants look burned.

Lindy's frangi is doing it's thing again!

15 Dec 2018: Looking better

Just a pic of joy! I love the pinks.

Looks like this has taken. I sincerely hope that's the case.The top tendrils seem to show this. As long as the chooks don't peck them!

Another pic of joyful pink. I love this mandevilla and I believe this is the most blooms it has had at one time, ever! The Queen's Wreath (left of mande) looks a bit tired though. Perhaps it's a cooler weather thing and will pick up.

Update: 30 July 2018 - 

About a month ago, I pulled out the purple Queen's wreath - it had died. would like to get a new one, perhaps in the Spring.

I pulled the pink mande out, as it was never flowering and had aphids all over it. Planted a pink climbing rose instead.

First morning walk for 2018 + latest house photos neighbourhood#2

Around the block, in 15 mins. It's pleasant, I look at the neighbourhood, and their gardens and homes, and it's long and short enough to get the circulation going without taking up too much time.

I took some photos of the house, as I rounded the corner from the Meiers. I believe the garden is looking better but of course, there is still work needed to be done on the house and the fence. It still looks like a bit of a hodge-podge, even though it's tidy and looking cared for.

That pole reminds of a joke from my early teaching years at Albury. I had a poster of a sequoia tree on my classroom door, and the caption was 'The Rodger'. I can't remember why, but we all thought it was funny. The shape I guess. Seems appropriate now, to be in my life, in a way.

Early house shots - when there was nothing there!

That pole again...

Tiny plants -

And now... 2018