Thursday, February 1, 2018

African, and 'normal', Violets

Trent said his favourite flowers of his childhood were the ones his aunt had - african violets. When I look at them, I can't help but think of him, and that he apparently refused to do any further work on the house for me, which is a shame as I like these flowers and I don't want to be reminded of unpleasantness when I look at them.

He was a good tradesman and I did not mean to offend him but he took umbrage at something - I have no clue. He just refused to take my calls. Maybe he just got too busy. He was somewhat immature so perhaps he just didn't know how to to tell me, or refuse my requests.

Anyway, I notice my african violets are doing quite well at the moment, in their 'glass cage'! Maybe it's their own 'environment' created.

I love their little pink and sometimes violet flowers.

As for the 'normal violets', I have some of them too. They look to be going ok. I bought the concrete pot from a crazy woman at the local markets last Sunday. She's into aquaponics apparently, and makes the pots in all sizes. I liked this 'hat' shape, although I'm inclined to paint the pot white.

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