Thursday, February 1, 2018

First morning walk for 2018 + latest house photos neighbourhood#2

Around the block, in 15 mins. It's pleasant, I look at the neighbourhood, and their gardens and homes, and it's long and short enough to get the circulation going without taking up too much time.

I took some photos of the house, as I rounded the corner from the Meiers. I believe the garden is looking better but of course, there is still work needed to be done on the house and the fence. It still looks like a bit of a hodge-podge, even though it's tidy and looking cared for.

That pole reminds of a joke from my early teaching years at Albury. I had a poster of a sequoia tree on my classroom door, and the caption was 'The Rodger'. I can't remember why, but we all thought it was funny. The shape I guess. Seems appropriate now, to be in my life, in a way.

Early house shots - when there was nothing there!

That pole again...

Tiny plants -

And now... 2018

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