Sunday, February 14, 2016

White frangi

Have driven past this tree several times now, wishing for a piece of it. 

I love the slightly more delicate, smaller, clean and white flower, with the whorl of yellow in the centre.

Finally I called in to ask for some. The guy was older, very nice and gave me a huge hunk of it, as seen in the back seat of my car, below.

He looked somewhat Chinese, but he explained he was from the Solomon Islands, where apparently the Germans employed Chinese to work in the plantations there. He said he had Chinese and German in his past family. This is history about which I know nothing, but about which I will now do some research!

Here is his tree (below) in the guy's garden, the tree on the right. Lovely.

Chook fun toy

Found this at the markets this morning- such a fun toy. Make the ball underneath twirl round and round, and the chooks peck up and down on the painted grain! Ingenius!

I'd seen these first in China, and bought one, but one of the threads broke and I couldn't be bothered to fix it. I have it still, somewhere. Maybe I'll get around to fixing it, so my nieces can have one toy each some time when they come down again to visit, and play with my chooks.

Bed cover lace

Saw this lace 'thing' hanging up on a stall at the Sunday market as I drove past last weekend and happened upon it again today when I attended.

It is apparently a large table cloth, it even looks like it once belonged to a church, because of the cross on the top. I was once told that at some time in my past lives, I was a nun, and very devout. Maybe it's coming back to me now... but I'll prefer, in this life, to consider it a 'diamond' shape. I'm using it as a bed cover with a coloured under-sheet (my bed is a small double. I don't plan on sharing it any time soon, except with my cats).

I love it, and best of all, it was only $10!! My Valentine's Day gift to myself. Think this will be a summer-look, as not enough weight for the winter cold.