Sunday, February 14, 2016

Bed cover lace

Saw this lace 'thing' hanging up on a stall at the Sunday market as I drove past last weekend and happened upon it again today when I attended.

It is apparently a large table cloth, it even looks like it once belonged to a church, because of the cross on the top. I was once told that at some time in my past lives, I was a nun, and very devout. Maybe it's coming back to me now... but I'll prefer, in this life, to consider it a 'diamond' shape. I'm using it as a bed cover with a coloured under-sheet (my bed is a small double. I don't plan on sharing it any time soon, except with my cats).

I love it, and best of all, it was only $10!! My Valentine's Day gift to myself. Think this will be a summer-look, as not enough weight for the winter cold.

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