Saturday, March 30, 2019

Planted the duranta alba hedge

A wet, rainy day calls for an opportunity to dig into the rock-hard baked soil to plant my duranta plants for a quick hidey-hedge.
It's apparently also called WHITE SKY FLOWEr and PIDGEON  BERRY.

Grows to height and width of 3 metres. Suits me fine.

More info:

Two in, two to go. The soil looks damp below, so the recent rains have seeped in successfully. Today's rain will help too.

All now in the ground.

I tweaked and shaped them a little to encourage them to grow sideways. It will take a lot of shaping to get them right, in the months and years to come.

Here's me all wet after the session -

The alba's have not grown much. I think the drought may have had a detrimental effect,. despite my watering efforts. I do love the white flower though.

2 Sept 2019 -