Wednesday, April 12, 2017


I've found two in the garden recently - the latest on the 'book-tree' today. Such a pretty, cute little thing she is, too.

The first idea I had them was back in Feb this year.

They say it means your garden is healthy. I hope that is true. This one looks like a 'transverse' variety - it's better than the spotted type, which is not so good, apparently.

I cleaned out the chooky house

Off-cuts of lino for a base, and in the nesting boxes. Sand on the bottom, topped with wood shavings - clean pine smell. 

I'll be nailing clear plastic around the edges, to keep out wind and rain during the winter, but still let warming light in.

White plumbago flowers!

Happy to see this flowering as it shows the in-planting has worked. Pretty little white flower.

The ground around it is very dry - the chookies have been digging there, and dust-bathing. Monsters!

Look at my native hibiscus!

Bloomin' marvellous today!