Monday, September 10, 2018

The Laidley Onion man


Mum told me about 'the onion man' in Laidley, who apparently, predicts the weather with a good amount of accuracy.

January - some good rain
February - rain
March - heavy rain
April - some rain
May - some rain
June - fairly dry
July - some rain
August - some rain
September - rain
October - heavy rain ........that will be good!
November - rain
December - good rain

I painted Mum's front fence

Mum had the palings at the front of her place replaced. They were a reddish colour, made of some rubber-wood stuff. She wanted them painted a green 'forest' colour, so I did it on the Sunday afternoon. It took about 4 hours, and by the end I was at the end of my tether and so tired.
That was just the first coat!

I painted this large wall too!

The gang's all here

All four kitties on da bed this morning. Baby Tems is behaving a little better. I think she will have to be an outside cat, so that she is exhausted and quiet when coming inside in the evenings. She seems to like playing with Tutti, but T has enough of her eventually, growls and runs away.

And Taffy on the sofa outside -

15 Sept 2018: