Monday, May 13, 2019

Clover's 4th Birthday Party


It's exactly a year since I had my last period, of sorts. I think it's been longer than that since I was regular. So, I'm into menopause. The hot-flushes told me so!

I'm going to ask the doc for HRT patches, to see if the flushes can be lessened, and hopefully, I'll feel a bit less distressed all the time.

Jade bonsai

Maybe I can make one of these...

\I have a cutting of this type of jade. Will have to read up how to manipulate the roots and the pot and the shape, etc.

Marked out the veggie patch

I used the old bricks from the front wall of the house to mark out a section of the garden which will be for the veggies. All of these will have to be lifted again when I get soil to make the one level. Headache!

Yet to be lawned over, and barked within the veggie area.


Views of front garden

I've sewn a white petunia in the smaller black pots on the pathway - they haven't flowered yet.

Autumn sundown on the red robins

I happened to be up a ladder, entwining the orange creeper into the lattice on the front, when I turned to notice the light on the top of the red robins in late afternoon sun (Autumn). The new growth on the top was a lovely rich red colour.

Things are growing and filling out nicely.