Monday, May 31, 2021

Current garden pics


African girl from Kerry T

The last time Kerry visited me, for my birthday, she gave me a statue which at the time, I hated (but did not say, of course). I said I would put her amongst some creepy vines, where I thought she would look good.

I recentlt and finally got around to, and decided to, give her some dangly earrings, made from beads I had on another, worn-out garden decoration. I wanted to see if I might like her more. 

I painted her lips, and now need some blue and yellow small pots of paint to finish off her make-up (eye) and beads on her neck.

I think she is beginning to look better and I like her a lot more for my garden, in some jungly spot.

Moved Lion hanger

 This lion was once clearly visible along the fence, but no longer. The fence hedge has filled in beautifully, and I have moved the lion to...


Much better now. Though I believe it may be too sunny for the little plants in it to survive in this location.
May have to get some petunias.

Lions Richlands

 We went here for lunch with John and Anne Hanson.

It's the third time I have been here - I like this club.

Fire place - this is the one I would like

 Bunnings $799

I must investigate having one installed, with a wood basket beside, and a hearth!'

Flue piece