Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Latest garden beds

May 1 - Labour Day. I did labour too! I finally got around to filling the new garden beds and taking the orange and lemon trees out of their pots and into the individual beds. I hope they thrive there.

I'll be off to Bunnings soon to buy winter veggie seedlings to put in the beds too, plus more potting mix!

There's one spare bed with nothing yet in it. Not for long!

World according to Taffy

Some relaxing photos taken as I was drinking my morning coffee in the sun on the Labour Day holiday (1 May 2017).
Lovely day 21 F.

New plantings

Planted a climbing rose and a new tibouchina.

Hope both go well, though the tibu does not look promising at the moment - just looks a bit scrubby.

Rings around the plants

Mum had these sitting in her back yard doing nothing. So I commandeered them! I think they look ok for now. Probably need some potting mix inside, plus a cute viola or something green growing inside the 'circle'.

Then and Now!